One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

So Boring They Take a Coffee Break

Jun 27 2017
So Boring They Take a Coffee Break

I just don't know what to say about the middle part of The Space Pirates. I know I spent an hour on the treadmill this morning, and watched two more reconstructed episodes. One presumes that something must have happened during those fifty minutes of viewing. I sweat a lot, and weighed within three pounds of my all-time lowest weight in this millennium, so that's nice, but other than that? Blah.

Let's talk about that.

The Space Pirates - Episodes 3 & 4

(TARDIS Data Core recap)

No joke, I have to go go back and read the recap to remember what I watched not even ten hours ago. The Doctor and companions get picked up by Mister Space Prospector, and they wind up on the same planet where the titular space pirates have their chop shop hidden in old mine shafts to break down the sections of the stolen space beacons. There is some amount of time hinting that Mister Space Prospector is actually in cahoots with the pirates, but it obviously isn't the case.

Meanwhile General Exposition and Major ConvenientFollowUpQuestion are on the same planet hanging out with a woman who is 1) the daughter of Mister Space Prospector's former business partner, 2) a well-respected business woman who for some reason wears a metal headpiece shaped like a hairdo sculpted in brass, and 3) is clearly the one who is actually working with the space pirates. At one point Mssrs General and Major have so little to do that they share a nice cup of coffee. Or maybe it was tea, i wasn't really paying that much attention by that point.

The cliffhanger at the end of episode four has the shocking reveal that Evil Business Woman is, in fact, evil and using the pirates to corner the market on Argonite. The Doctor and Companions, along with Mister Space Prospector, are all firmly in the clutches of the bad guy, and the TARDIS is still off floating around in one of the sections of space beacon waiting to be melted down and sold for scrap.

I love the Second Doctor so much, and it pains me that the home stretch has this story. Maybe it will end up redeeming itself tomorrow, but I kind of doubt it.


Doctor(s): Second
Companion(s): Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot
Episode(s): The Space Pirates - Episodes 3 & 4
Steps Walked: 6,523 today, 820,604 total
Distance Walked: 3.18 miles today, 397.44 miles total
Weight: 271.82 lbs (five day moving average), net change -35.48 lbs

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