One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

Roll Up, Roll Up!

Aug 18 2017
Roll Up, Roll Up!

Well, today is my last day in Las Vegas. I am up bright and early tomorrow to catch a flight back home, and I am more than ready to get there. I am actually pleased and surprised that I managed to get on the treadmill for eleven out of my twelve days here, I  honestly thought I would have more days where I just couldn't fit it in. I just did the math, and between my treadmill time plus just generally walking around working this convention I walked a total of 266,001 steps and 138.71 miles. You would think I would have lost weight while I was here, but all of that walking was more than counteracted by so many amazing meals. I am sure it will take me a month to recover from this trip, but it was so worth it. As for today, I watched the first half of Carnival of Monsters, which is hands-down my favorite Third Doctor story.

Let's talk about that.

Carnival of Monsters - Episodes 1 & 2

(TARDIS Data Core recap)

If I had to pick a favorite Robert Holmes story, it would be every Robert Holmes story. He was far and away the most prolific of Doctor Who writers, spanning sixty four episodes spread across the Second through the Sixth Doctor. In this story he demonstrates wild inventiveness and a deft array of characters and situations. The story concerns two traveling entertainers who arrive on a very officious planet with no concept of entertainment. They have in their possession a Miniscope, which is a device that contains miniaturized menageries in several different environments which can be viewed on screen like a peep show. Their intention is to show it off like carnival barkers, encouraging the locals to roll on up and see the amazing carnival of monsters inside the miniscope. Unfortunately, the locals have no imagination or thirst for entertainment at all.  Meanwhile, the Doctor and Jo arrive in the TARDIS on what appears to be a 1920's cargo ship, but which is actually one of the scenes inside the miniscope. From there an entire alien political drama plays out in the real world, while inside the miniscope the Doctor and Jo try to figure out where they are and how to escape.

This is just a delightfully clever story to watch. The writing makes the most of minimal sets, and judiciously reveals the true situation at a steady and engaging pace without spoon-feeding it to the audience. The three main aliens in the outside world are superbly written to be officious, clueless, and yet too clever for their own good. There is a real joy in watching them convince themselves of an entire political drama without a single shred of evidence. Meanwhile inside the miniaturized world the interactions between the Doctor and Jo are fantastic as they have embarked on their first trip in the TARDIS since the Time Lords ended the Doctor's exile on Earth.

Another fun bit is the presence of Ian Marter in the cast. It's a fairly minor role, but of course he comes back two years later as Harry Sullivan for a good chunk of the Fourth Doctor's era. That kind of thing happens a lot in this show - get cast in a small part, make a good impression, get brought back as a recurring character. And there's your advice in how to succeed in life, kids: show up, work hard, do a good job and make a good impression - the rest will sort itself out.

My intention is to watch the second half of this story tomorrow evening once I get back home, but I am not entirely confident that will happen. What with time zones and all I don't expect to even arrive at my house until nearly 8pm. I haven't seen my wife in the better part of two weeks, and I expect to be mobbed by all the cats and dogs as well. Even so, fingers crossed I will really try to get it done before I collapse into bed.


Doctor(s): Third
Companion(s): Jo Grant
Episode(s): Carnival of Monsters - Episodes 1 & 2
Steps Walked: 7,459 today, 1,150,989 total
Distance Walked: 3.9 miles today, 567.38 miles total
Weight: 264.50 lbs (five day moving average), net change -42.80 lbs

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