One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

Halloween Is Coming, Let's Get Some Skulls Up In Here!

Oct 25 2017
Halloween Is Coming, Let's Get Some Skulls Up In Here!

First thing first: Today I broke 4 miles in one 55 minute session on the treadmill for the first time in over a month, and recorded the highest number of steps ever since I started this project. Hooray for progress! (I need to cheer something, my weight had gone slightly backwards in the last week.) I am about to leave for a rehearsal in the show I am doing, where I will be doing nothing but dance choreography for five hours straight, so I am expecting my numbers tomorrow to look particularly good. So that's nice.

I also started a new story today, and if I have ever seen it before then I surely don't remember anything at all about it. So let's talk about that.

Image of the Fendahl - Parts 1 & 2

(TARDIS Data Core recap)

This one is written by Chris Boucher, who also did The Face of Evil and The Robots of Death -- both of which I really liked. Not surprisingly, then, I also like this one a lot. It is the next-to-last story in which Robert Holmes served as Script Editor, and I expect it was also commissioned while Philip Hinchcliffe was still Producer, so it falls right back into the Gothic Horror wheelhouse that has served the series so well in the last few years. The gist of the story is that a small group of scientists in rural modern-day England are performing a series of experiments on an anachronistic human skull, which carbon dates to being an impossible twelve million years old, which places it a full ten million years before the first known Hominids and somewhere in the late Mesozoic period. It will come as no surprise that the skull is actually evil, and that said scientists awaken said evil.

Fortunately the Doctor and Leela arrive just in time to investigate, having been pulled off course in the TARDIS by one of the tests that causes Relative Continuum Displacement Zone. Another indication that this story was commissioned in the previous year: although K-9 came on board as a regular companion at the end of the last story, he is sidelined right off the bat in this one having been damaged and partially disassembled. On presumes that at the end of this story he will be fully repaired and more properly included in the following story.

There is lots of cool, freaky stuff going on here. The lead scientist is shifty as hell, deliberately avoiding calling the police when a dead body turns up on the grounds of their estate, and continuing to avoid police involvement when another person winds up dead in the same manner. Meanwhile, one of the other scientists turns out to be a member of a local coven of witches. You can imagine his interest in the fact that the ancient skull has a pentagram naturally etched into it on the back. Also, apparently the skull is the nexus of power for the titular Fendahl, which are worm-like things that are seen very briefly.

I loved, loved, loved this story so far. More of this, please!

No time to write more, I have a rehearsal to get to. Catch you tomorrow!


Doctor(s): Fourth
Companion(s): Leela, K-9
Episode(s): Image of the Fendahl - Parts 1 & 2
Steps Walked: 7,539 today, 1,591,481 total
Distance Walked: 4.03 miles today, 793.96 miles total
Weight: 258.84 lbs (five day moving average), net change -48.46 lbs

Total: 0 Comment(s)


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( Story )

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Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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