One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

Everybody Lives, Rose! Just This Once, Everybody Lives!!

Mar 24 2018
Everybody Lives, Rose! Just This Once, Everybody Lives!!

I had a callback today for a show today. I think it went well, but I'm such a neophyte at this acting thing it's hard to really tell. But I saw several friends there from two other shows I have done, and many other familiar faces, so if nothing else it was a lot of fun. With any luck, this summer I will be back on stage again. If not, I will definitely be in the audience because it's going to be a fun show.

Of course, I also watched Doctor Who this morning. It had my single favorite Ninth Doctor scene in it, so let's talk about that.

The Doctor Dances

The ultimate reveal of this two-part story is that the weird gas-mask-face-zombie virus is really just millions and millions of alien nanites programed to heal the wounded. Unfortunately, when the space-ambulance transporting them crashed on Earth they had no experience with human biology. They found the mortally-wounded Empty Child nearby the crash site, imprinted on him, and since then they have been "healing" every human with whom they come into contact.

It's a fantastic concept, and plays out beautifully. The other big reveal is that the young woman, Nancy, is actually the child's mother and not his sister as she has been telling everyone. All of which leads tot his amazing climactic scene:

That moment right there is Peak Who, and exemplifies everything I love about this show. It is clever and human and joyous, the epitome of everything Doctor Who stands for. I don't know how many times I have watched this story at this point, but it never gets old. It's no great surprise that it won a Hugo Award in 2006 for Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form. (Of course, it was also competing against both Dalek and Father's Day for the same award --- the Hugos definitely loved them some Doctor Who that year.)

Thus ends the strongest three-episode run of the first revived season. Sadly, tomorrow it goes back to the farting aliens. Because, really, who better to devote nearly 25% of the entire season to? I'm gonna go get drunk and try not to think about tomorrow morning.


Doctor(s): Ninth
Companion(s): Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness
Episode(s): The Doctor Dances
Steps Walked: 7,701 today, 2,610,740 total
Distance Walked: 4.36 miles today, 1,357.05 miles total
Push-ups Completed: 0 today, 431 total
Weight: 251.06 lbs (five day moving average), net change -56.24 lbs

Total: 0 Comment(s)


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Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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