One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Term: Jamie McCrimmon
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Brought to You by La Gestión Turismo de Sevilla

Brought to You by La Gestión Turismo de Sevilla

My arm is marginally better today. If I wasn't traveling to Colorado in two days I wouldn't be worried at all, but as it is I am probably going to go see a doctor tomorrow just in case. I don't want to be stuck in the Rocky Mountains for a week wishing I had seen a doctor before I left. Then again, I guess if I need something to help me relax in Denver...

Anyway, I also watched the last part of The Two Doctors today, so let's talk about that.

Less Barber of Seville, More Sweeny Todd

Less Barber of Seville, More Sweeny Todd

Whatever the heck I did to my right arm, it doesn't seem to be improving much. It feels like I tweaked a nerve, and depending on what I am doing and how long since my last dose of ibuprofen, it is either mostly ok or else all tingly and muscle-achy and my right index finger goes numb. So that's not a good sign. If it hasn't radically improved by Monday morning I may have to make a trip to Urgent Care. So that's nice.

On the upside, I got to spend an hour this morning with My Doctor, the Second (and best). So let's talk about that.

The Five (But Really Only Four) Doctors

The Five (But Really Only Four) Doctors

Good lord, what a long day. For the past eleven months I have been watching two 25-minute episodes per day, but this morning's viewing was the twentieth anniversary special that is effectively a movie with no breaking point. That meant that I spent a full 102 minutes on the treadmill, walking further than I ever have in a single day. Then I had a full day of work, and then a big birthday party. Aside from being Alexander Hamilton's birthday, today is my wife's birthday (and also my boss' birthday, and also a friend's birthday), plus my own birthday is on Monday. So we had a whole big thing planned for tonight. Unfortunately my wife has the flu and couldn't go out, but we filmed everyone singing to her. After that I had to go back to work to do a software release, and so now here I am at nearly midnight just finally writing this post.

So let's talk about the big twentieth anniversary special.

Truly the End of an Era

Truly the End of an Era

This morning marked my viewing the final episodes of The War Games, and by extension the final episodes of the Patrick Troughton era, the final monochrome episodes, and the end of the 60's. On top of that, I very nearly broke the 270 barrier weighing in at 270.1 lbs. That is a new record low for this project, and I am within three tenths of a pound of dropping below my lowest recorded weight of the twenty-first century. It appears that I may well hit that milestone tomorrow morning, fittingly with an explosion of color as Doctor Who enters the 70's with a new Doctor, a new companion, and a new basic premise for the show. But before then, there were still two last episodes to get through today.

Let's talk about that.

You Saddle the Rat and I'll Jump On

You Saddle the Rat and I'll Jump On

In today's viewing of The War Games, the TARDIS-like transport units are finally identified by name: SIDRAT (pronounced "side rat"). The acronym (which is quite obviously just TARDIS spelled backwards) is never defined on-screen, but apparently in the novelization it is given as Space and Inter-time Directional Robot All-purpose Transporter. Which, let's be honest, is a stretch. But hey, what can you do? Other than that, Doctor Who's longest serial continues to march on, and the forces of good are finally beginning to rally against the forces of evil.

Let's talk about that.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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