One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Term: Sarah Jane Smith
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Fifty Pounds!

Fifty Pounds!

So, the big news today: This morning for the first time since I began this project, I weighed in at more than fifty pounds lighter than when I started this project. I am very, very happy with this result. The days of losing two and three pounds per week are far behind me, all of the easy progress has already been had, at this point it is a battle to make any kind of incremental progress. Which, I feel amazing, so I am happy with what I have accomplished so far. But I am also greedy and want a little bit more. Go figure. Anyway, I also watched the back half of The Android Invasion today.

Not a Single Samsung Galaxy to be Found

Not a Single Samsung Galaxy to be Found

The great thing about Classic Who is that, even when you have a wobbly story like Pyramids of Mars you never have to wait long to get a truly great story. The Android Invasion is a veritable who's who of Who -- written by Terry Nation in his only non-Dalek story since the first season's Keys of Marinus, directed by former producer Barry Letts, featuring the last appearances of John Benton and Harry Sullivan, and also a major villain role played by Milton Johns, who had previously appeared in the very excellent Enemy of the World. What I'm saying is, I really enjoyed today's viewing on the treadmill.

Let's talk about that.

The One Where Everyone Dies

The One Where Everyone Dies

What a day. I slept in, which was nice, and then did my hour on the treadmill. Then I installed my monster new monitor for writing code (seriously, it is a widescreen monitor in portrait mode and about two and a half times size of my other one). Then it was off to rehearsal for my cabaret that happens tomorrow, and then wrapped up the evening by seeing Mark Kozelek in concert. Now all I need to do is write this blog post and get to bed.

Martian Mummies Make Mayhem

Martian Mummies Make Mayhem

Since I started this project on February 20th of 2016, prior to this week I had only missed a total of six days in more than seven months. Them's pretty good numbers. Even an actual, literal hurricane did not cause me to miss a day. Sadly, this week I missed three consecutive days due to an annual planning meeting for work. This past Tuesday I totally should not have missed, I just didn't get out of bed early enough. That night I flew to Texas, spent all day Wednesay and Thursday in meetings and team building events, and then flew home late last night. This morning I finally got back on the treadmill and started watching a new story. So now my tally is missing 9 days out of 224. Still not so bad from a commitment standpoint.

It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it

It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it

This is a crazy week for me, and these entries are all going to be short. In fact, the odds are very good that I am going to miss Wednesday and Thursday completely (which by extension means I am going to get halfway through Pyramids of Mars tomorrow and then have to wait three days to see the conclusion). But before I get to Mars I have to finish up with Zeta Minor. So let's talk about that.

This Evil Planet Should Probably Be Forbidden

This Evil Planet Should Probably Be Forbidden

This is going to be another brief one. My workout this morning was not exactly awesome, although better than a couple days ago. I stumbled my way through it, and that's the best I can say. Two months ago I felt like I was in a fruitless running battle to get below 270 and stay there; this month I feel like that battle has advanced ten notches to the 260 mark. Rationally, I know that the round numbers are more prone to fixate upon, and I also know that even if I never lost another pound I would be perfectly happy with how I look and feel as compared to seven months ago. But my competitive nature just isn't satisfied yet, more's the pity. In any case, I staggered my way through the first half of a new story.

Let's talk about that.

You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle

You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle

Yesterday was a miserable day. I mean, not nearly as miserable as the time a year ago that I had a severe bout of diverticulitis and ended up in the hospital, but still pretty miserable. I spent most of the day with a roaring headache, which I am sure that my (admittedly lethargic) workout did not help. Although I succeeded in what ching the first half of Terror of the Zygons it was mostly at a stumbling stroll and I barely walked 2 1/2 miles. Today was much better, though, I was back up to just one notch below my top speed and clocked in at just over four miles while finishing the story.

Let's talk about that.

Harry Sullivan is an Imbecile!

Harry Sullivan is an Imbecile!

I somehow managed to up my speed again a notch today, and set a new record for the number of steps and distance in one session. So that's pretty cool. I had a fantasy that today would be the day I finally hit the fifty pound mark for total weight lost, but alas that was not to be. How tragic. It's ok, though, I'll get there. Today's viewing was the second half of Revenge of the Cybermen and it was pretty nifty.

Seven Month Checkin

Seven Month Checkin

Today marks the seven month anniversary of the day I started this ridiculous project. In that time I have walked 678.23 miles on the treadmill while taking 1,367,292 steps, watching 400 episodes and 78 stories of Doctor Who, and losing 47.84 pounds in weight. I did not realize until I started typing this out that today marked my 400th episode viewed. How cool is that? I was feeling a little bit frustrated that I have only lost 5 pounds in the last month, until I looked at last month's checkin and remembered that the previous month I had only lost 2 1/2 pounds. So by that measure, this month has been twice as successful as the one before. Also this month, I had to go through my entire wardrobe and pull out a huge stack of pants and shorts to stop wearing. Anything with a 46" or 44" waist was yanked, leaving me with only 42" items. In fact, I had to go shopping for two new pairs of jeans, because I had no decent ones left that didn't look like clown clothes on ...


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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