One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Author: Ron Miles

R.I.P. Dudley Simpson

R.I.P. Dudley Simpson

One sad thing about loving a television program that has been on the air for over fifty years is that the people involved with that show keep passing away. I was saddened yesterday evening when I heard the news that composer Dudley Simpson had died. His name has been appearing in front of me virtually every day for the past several months, and will continue to do so for several more weeks. Although the iconic title theme for Doctor Who was composed and recorded by someone else, Mr. Simpson was responsible for all of the other music in nearly 300 episodes spanning more than 60 stories ranging from Planet of Giants in the First Doctor era up through The Horns of Nimon in the Fourth Doctor era. He is also responsible for the title music to Blake's 7 and The Tomorrow People, among many others. He is perhaps not as well known as other Doctor Who luminaries, but he personally contributed new material to more episodes of the show than any other person. He is a true legend, and will be missed.

In happier news, I started a new story today. Let's talk about that.

What's It For?

What's It For?

I don't have anything interesting or noteworthy to talk about today on the personal front. I did my workout first thing, I weighed in again at the same all-time low of yesterday, and I am about to leave for rehearsal for the show I am doing. I'll be practicing dance choreography for a solid five hours, which pretty well counts as a second workout for the day. This is going to be a pretty brief post because I need to get out the door, and I won't want to stay up late to finish this after.

And on that note, let's talk Doctor Who.

Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong.

Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong.

I don't even know what to think at this point. I have no idea what magic switch I flipped in my body to make it suddenly go into fat-burning overdrive, because from a workout standpoint I haven't done anything materially different in the past week. Even so, after two months of only gradual progress, all of a sudden I have dropped nearly ten pounds in two weeks. Every morning I expect to discover that I have bounced back and returned to some kind of mean, and instead I find another drop. Two weeks ago I had set a modest goal to finally reach the 240's by Christmas, and now all of a sudden it seems plausible that I might get there sometime this week. That's just crazy! I'm just gonna keep plugging along and doing my thing, eating well and putting in my fifty five minutes of treadmill time each day, and I assume it will level off again soon. I am surely enjoying this ride while it happens, though!

In other news, I started a new Doctor Who story today, so let's talk about that.

Boom Goes the Tyrant

Boom Goes the Tyrant

With this project, although the big changes are certainly awesome I find the most pleasure in the little things that sneak up on me and catch me by surprise. Here's an example: I spend an awful lot of time at Walt Disney World with my (autistic) son. I am in either the Magic Kingdom or Epcot on average 6-8 times per month. I usually wear a little waist pack to carry around things like my son's cameras and medications, batteries, charging cables, et cetera. It used to be that I wore that pack low around my waist, primarily so that my gut would fall over its belt. Given that I have lost more than six inches around my waist since this past February, it is not surprising that I have had to adjust the pack to shorten up the belt over time. What I suddenly realized today, though, is that I have begun wearing it high on my waist now such that the belt crosses directly across my abdomen and the pack itself rests on my right hip where it is stable and won't get jostled around as I am walking. I'm not saying I don't have a belly anymore, because I certainly do, but it has now shrunk to the point where it is no longer a physical obstruction to my daily activities. I used to not wear tucked shirts because I was embarrassed about how my stomach rolled down over my belt line, but these days I almost always tuck my shirts because I like how it looks. What an amazingly gratifying transformation this has been!

Also, I watched the back half of the current story today, so let's talk some Doctor Who.

R.I.P. Paddy Russell

R.I.P. Paddy Russell

Earlier this week director Patricia (a.k.a. Paddy) Russell passed away at the age of 89Doctor Who fans might recognize her as the director of The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's EveInvasion of the DinosaursThe Pyramids of Mars, and Horror of Fang Rock. She was notably the first woman to direct for the show. She had a very long and remarkable career, working on a number of classic British television series. I count both Massacre and Fang Rock among my all-time favorite Classic Who stories. Her legacy as a pioneering woman in her field is truly an inspiration. I was truly saddened to hear of her passing when I saw the news last night.

On a happier note, I began the epic Key to Time saga this morning. Let's talk about that.

Farewell, Leela and K9 Mark I

Farewell, Leela and K9 Mark I

You know what makes me stupid happy? This graph:

A week ago I had pretty much come to the conclusion that I had more or less reached the endpoint of my weight loss, and that I was going to level out in the upper 250's. I spent most of October hovering around 258 - sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, but not really making any forward progress. And then five days ago the dam broke. You can see the exact moment in the chart above, where the blue line takes a sudden dip down at the end. That dip makes me extremely happy, all the more so because it is consistent over several days and not just a fluke. Whatever plateau I was up against, I seem to have broken through it. Five days ago I was feeling pretty demoralized despite my overall success, today I am feeling energized. What a difference a week can make.

I also finished the final story of the fifteenth season of Doctor Who this morning, so let's talk about that.

A Happy Endi... Oops, Never Mind!

A Happy Endi... Oops, Never Mind!

Checked it out, I bumped up my speed another notch today. I am currently going at 4.7 mph, and I completed the entire workout at that speed (although I was sorely tempted to slow down by the last third of my workout). I have also started tiptoeing into an extra workout, by doing a 30-day Planking Challenge. Today was easy enough at 20 seconds, but it ratchets up pretty quickly. Theoretically by November 30th I should be holding a proper Plank position for five full minutes. I figure if there is some chance that my abs will become visible at some point, I should start working them, right?

As for Doctor Who, I watched the middle third of the current story. Let's talk about that.

Make Gallifrey Great Again

Make Gallifrey Great Again

I have lost more than twice as much weight in the past week than I did in the entire previous month. How cool is that? The numbers are consistent for four days running, so it's not a fluke. Whatever brick wall I was up against, I seem to have burst through. I have broken four miles on the treadmill in six out of the last seven days. and I feel really good. Who knew that Doctor Who was the key to healthy living?

Anyway, I started a new story today. Let's talk about that.

The Sword of Damocles

The Sword of Damocles

You know, it's kinda funny: every time I start to get frustrated by lack of progress, thinking maybe I have finally hit the brick wall and I have arrived at my destination size, then something like the last two days happen where I have a sudden drop. Although I weighed in slightly higher today than yesterday, which was not unexpected, that "slightly higher" was still much lower than anything prior to yesterday. I think I really do have a fighting chance at being in the 240's by Christmas. How cool is that?

Also, I finished my current Doctor Who story today. I have don't have much to say about it, but let's get this done.

Meeting in the Middle

Meeting in the Middle

When I started this project over eight months ago, I was wearing 46" waist pants whereas my son was wearing 36" ones. Last week my wife got me some new 40" pants, and now this weekend I had to go out and get my son two new pairs of 40" pants. For the last two weeks he has literally been wearing my clothes. It's obvious why I am excited to have dropped a full six inches in waist size. It is worth noting that, as well as being autistic, my son has a history of severe digestive issues. Only a few years ago ne was so thin and malnourished that we were starting to have discussions about having a feeding tube placed. It is absolutely astonishing to me that he has grown so much. It is also a little worrisome, in that he is clearly headed on the same trajectory I was, and we need to figure out how to put on the brakes, but that's a whole other issue. For this weekend, though, my son and I have met in the middle and I am both pleased and perplexed.

I also started a new Doctor Who story, so I guess I should talk about that.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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