One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

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One minute you're sure, the next everybody turns into lizards and a piano falls on you

One minute you're sure, the next everybody turns into lizards and a piano falls on you

Today was the first of two consecutive Christmases. It is also my thirteenth wedding anniversary. In about an hour I will be going out to a very nice dinner with my wife, so I am getting this out of the way first so I can just go out and have a lovely romantic evening and forget about you, my dear imaginary readers.

So let's talk about the end of River Song's storyline.

We're on Gallifrey. Death is Time Lord for man flu.

We're on Gallifrey. Death is Time Lord for man flu.

Today I finished Clara's run on Doctor Who. Granted, she died two episodes ago, but with this show you just have to accept a bit of timey-wimey goodness. More importantly, given what is coming very soon, today's episode contains the very first in-cannon onscreen regeneration of a Time Lord in which the gender changes. It has been mentioned in the past, and of course there is the change from Master to Missy, but this is the first one where the gender change happens unambiguously onscreen. For anyone complaining about Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor, the foundation was already laid. And if you think it is just the show caving to a bunch of Social Justice Warriors, well, let me point you to this very excellent post at (which I discovered via my friend Riff -- who also happens to be the best Roger Delgado Master cosplayer in the world). In short, from Day One Doctor Who has been a very inclusive and socially aware program. Yes, it has had its faults and missteps, it's not perfect, but this has quite intentionally been in the show's DNA from the very beginning. It's one of the reasons I am such a fan.

But enough about that, let's talk about the deposement of Rassillon. (Is that even a word? I think so. If not, it should be.)

Three Point Five Million Steps!

Three Point Five Million Steps!

At the point I completed watching this episode I had taken a cumulative 3,302,141 steps on the treadmill as a part of this ridiculous project. How insane is that? When I started in February of 2017 I had no idea how long it would take or how far I would end up walking, but I never imagined this. As I barrel towards the completion of this project in just over two weeks, it's hard to comprehend just how much this stupid thing has changed me. I feel better, I look better, I have become more successful creatively, it has just been an amazing experience. I figure I have roughly 120k more steps to go, so this is the last big numerical milestone I will hit before the end. I just need to take a moment here and marvel at quite literally how far I have come in the last eighteen months.

Ok, so, now that that's done, let's talk about the first actual death of a companion since Adric helped kill off the dinosaurs in Earthshock.

It doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense.

It doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense.

Still catching up on missed posts, this is number two of the four I need to write today. It would be a little easier if it was an episode I actually wanted to talk about, but as noted historian and philosopher Mick Jagger once pointed out -- you can't always get what you want.

So let's talk about my least favorite episode of Doctor Who.

Well, here's the unforeseeable. I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you.

Well, here's the unforeseeable. I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you.

In  year-and-a-half of this ridiculous project, I have never gotten this far behind in the writing. The past few days has been a perfect storm of work deadlines plus show performance dates, and while I have stayed current in getting my workouts done (aside from completely missing on Wednesday), I just haven't had the time to write my daily posts. So this is the first of three back-dated posts. Hopefully I will be current again by the end of the day.

So let's get down to it, and talk about the futility of war.

I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.

I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.

Good lord, it's a quarter to midnight and I still haven't written this blasted thing. I've been buried in work all day and only just came up for air. The good news is I did fifty five push ups this morning, and my arm still feels fine. Alternating days seems to be making a difference. For now at least I will keep on that track, and see how it goes.

As for Doctor Who, it was a mighty good one today. So let's talk about that.

Oh, just ignore me, I'm just passing through, like fish in the night.

Oh, just ignore me, I'm just passing through, like fish in the night.

This has been a slog of a day. I barely slept last night, having been awakened by a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. As a result, I didn't get my workout done until evening. On the upside, I did a hundred sit ups tonight. Tomorrow I am shooting for 55 push ups, we'll see how that goes. I am just having some sleepy time tea while I write this, so hopefully tonight I will get some decent rest.

Of course I also watched some Doctor Who while on the treadmill, so let's talk about that.

Beyond the unfolding of your smile, is there other kindness? I'm afraid.

Beyond the unfolding of your smile, is there other kindness? I'm afraid.

First the big news: After several weeks of letting my arm and shoulder recover, this morning I finally properly tried push ups again as a part of my workout. I went deliberately light, only doing fifty (as opposed to the hundred-per-day I was doing before I damaged myself). It went well. My right arm felt plenty strong, if a little bit out of practice. My intention at this point is to try alternating days between push ups and sit ups, to give myself some recovery time between muscle groups. God knows I am not a physical trainer or anything, I should maybe talk to one of those sometime...

In any case, I also watched Doctor Who on the treadmill this morning (of course), so let's talk about that.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

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Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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One minute you're sure, the next everybody turns into lizards and a piano falls on you
7/24/2018 3:00 PM
We're on Gallifrey. Death is Time Lord for man flu.
7/23/2018 6:14 PM
It's funny, the day you lose someone isn't the worst. At least you've got something to do. It's all the days they stay dead.
7/22/2018 5:49 PM
Three Point Five Million Steps!
7/21/2018 1:57 PM
It doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense.
7/20/2018 9:00 PM
Well, here's the unforeseeable. I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you.
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I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.
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Oh, just ignore me, I'm just passing through, like fish in the night.
7/16/2018 7:24 PM
Beyond the unfolding of your smile, is there other kindness? I'm afraid.
7/15/2018 6:00 PM

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