One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Term: Martha Jones
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In New York You Can Be a New Man, Just You Wait

In New York You Can Be a New Man, Just You Wait

So, a thing happened this morning. I got an email with a video from none other than Sophie Aldred, a.k.a. Ace, cheering me on in the home stretch of this ridiculous project. When I started well over a year ago I had never actually watched any of the Seventh Doctor stories. For whatever reason I had always kind of mentally filed them away as the sputtering end of a dying show, with low production values and a comedian as the Doctor. I could not have been more wrong. I wound up enjoying that era immensely, and would rank The Curse of Fenric as one of the best Classic Who stories bar none. Sylvester McCoy was impressively nuanced and dark, and as for Ace, well... she absolutely rocked. I will always love Barbara Wright, Goddess the most as a companion, and of course the immortal Sarah Jane Smith was brilliant. I am here to say that Sophie Aldred as Ace stands shoulder to shoulder with both of them, and I would very much love to meet her some day and tell her so face to face.

But in the meantime, here is the video that put a smile on my face all day today:

Sadly, I also have to talk about the crappy Dalek story I finished watching to day. So let's get it done.

We'd Like To Thank You, Herbert Hoover, For Really Showin' Us the Way

We'd Like To Thank You, Herbert Hoover, For Really Showin' Us the Way

I am virtually certain there is no other episode of NuWho that I have pre-complained about more than Daleks in Manhattan. That is not to say that it is my least favorite modern story (that's a toss-up between Kill the Moon or Sleep No More), but it's the one that not only features the Daleks but exemplifies my frustration with them. How can I miss you if you won't go away?

So let's talk about that.

Macra Terror Redux

Macra Terror Redux

I love Sunday morning weigh-ins. Not only have I done my usual workout plus treadmill, but I have also been out mowing the lawn. By the time I take my shower and do my morning weigh-in, I am super dehydrated so the number is always unrealistically low. I know it doesn't mean anything, and it will bounce back the next day, but sometimes you just want to be lied to.

Speaking of lying, the Doctor lied to Martha this morning and wound up getting kidnaped into the carpool lane in New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York traffic. So let's talk about that.

Love's Labours Won

Love's Labours Won

It was a beautiful day today. I slept in, did some sit-ups, walked on the treadmill, went to the Magic Kingdom with my son, and just generally enjoyed a lovely Florida spring day. What more could a person ask for?

So let's talk Doctor Who so I can go to bed.

Judoon Platoon Upon the Moon

Judoon Platoon Upon the Moon

Today has been a pretty satisfying day. I got to sleep an hour later than usual, and still was able to do a boatload of pushups and put in my 4+ miles on the treadmill. At work I battled a really interesting software problem, and finally conquered it right at the end of my day. I did a Facebook Live video to promote upcoming cabaret at the Orlando Fringe Festival, and a spent a chunk of time this evening practicing clarinet and making some real progress. As I say, it's been a satisfying day.

And, of course, I watched the first episode of Doctor Who with Martha Jones as a companion. So let's talk about that.


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In New York You Can Be a New Man, Just You Wait
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