One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Term: Ianto Jones
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The first rule of Weevil Fight Club is: You do not talk about Weevil Fight Club

The first rule of Weevil Fight Club is: You do not talk about Weevil Fight Club

Today was an excellent day on the treadmill, clocking a further distance in a 55 minute workout than I have done since July. There is no question that since I completed Phase One of this ridiculous project, I have backslid some. I took a lot if days off in August, and I am only just starting to get back into a groove. So it's nice to be making progress again.

There's something out there in the dark, and it's moving.

There's something out there in the dark, and it's moving.

The good news: I had my best day on the treadmill today in ages, clocking more steps and a farther distance than I have in ages. The other good news: I hit 65 push ups today, which means odds are I should be back up to 100 per day by mid-October. The bad news: Well, just look at the trend line on my weight chart. I keep thinking that today will be the day it turns around, and thus far today is not the day. I am proud of what I have achieved in this ridiculous project, but it's no lie that I am terrified that I will fail hard and gain it all back. So that's pretty terrifying. So rather than dwell on that, I'm going to talk about Torchwood.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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The first rule of Weevil Fight Club is: You do not talk about Weevil Fight Club
9/24/2018 5:12 PM
If you want to help me, let me go with some dignity. Don't condemn me to live.
9/23/2018 7:03 PM
I should have saved my "Jesse's Tiny Shoes" quote for this one...
9/18/2018 6:20 PM
There's something out there in the dark, and it's moving.
9/17/2018 7:01 PM
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure dome decree
9/16/2018 8:56 PM
I Always Wondered About Jesse's Collection of Tiny Shoes
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Ugh, Just Kill Me Now
9/13/2018 2:32 PM
A million shadows of human emotion. We've just got to learn to live with them.
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You travel halfway across the universe for the greatest sex. You still end up dying alone.
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