One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Author: Ron Miles

Shot Through the Heart, and You're to Blame

Shot Through the Heart, and You're to Blame

Today has been an extremely satisfying day. After missing two days of treadmilling last week due to being sick, and another day this week due to being buried between work and my show, today my weight dropped back under 250 again. I expect the moving average to drop back below it tomorrow. I also built some really cool software stuff at work today, and then had an excellent performance of Annie tonight with a full house. All in all a good day.

I also finished watching the current vampire story, so let's talk about that.

I'd say a sociopathetic abscess

 I'd say a sociopathetic abscess

Here's a fun bit of trivia for you: the tempo of the 80's-era theme music is exactly the same as my natural stride at 4.7 mph on the treadmill. I started out at 4.6, and had to bump it up one notch during the opening credits because it was just enough off to be annoying. I almost didn't make it to the treadmill today, but after missing two days last week due to illness and then missing yesterday due to.. stuff... I just couldn't put it off again. The good news is, it was a good story today.

Let's talk about that.

What a Day

Dec 05 2017
What a Day

No Doctor Who today. My internet went out this morning, turned out my cable router died, so I had to drive to their office to swap it out. That ate up half of my working day when it was all said and done. Then I spent the evening installing a new hardwood floor in my upsairs hallway. It's about 80% done now, and I need to go to bed. Ugh.

He Was Wesley Crusher Before Wesley Crusher Was a Thing

He Was Wesley Crusher Before Wesley Crusher Was a Thing

One of the quirks of a five-day moving average on my weight is that, although I have consistently dropped weight for the last three days running, my average has increased on each of those days. The two days I missed while I was sick have really set me back in that regard. But it's all illusory, and tomorrow the moving average will flip back around. It wasn't that long ago I set a goal to weigh in below 250 at least once before Christmas, and now it looks like by the time Christmas gets here I should actually have my moving average well below that number. So it's all good.

On the not-so-good front, today's viewing brings aboard the TARDIS my single least favorite companion in the history of the show. So I guess we should talk about that?

Let's Hope that Many Hands Will Make the Lights Work

Let's Hope that Many Hands Will Make the Lights Work

What a day. I had two more performances of the show I am in (the second one of which was plagued with minor costume issues and one almost-disaster that turned out just fine). My wife and I got the last of the Christmas decorations down, and she has started putting them up. I keep saying that tomorrow is the day I will put up the outdoor lights, so... maybe tomorrow is really the day? We'll see how late I sleep. I have another matinee performance tomorrow. And yes, I did watch the second half of my current Doctor Who story.

So let's talk about that (briefly).

First Things First, But Not Necessarily In That Order

First Things First, But Not Necessarily In That Order

We have been talking about re-doing the upstairs floor in our house for a while now, and a few weeks ago we finally decided to go ahead and do it. We picked out our new hardwood floor, ordered the materials, and yesterday they arrived at the store. So this morning I took a van and picked up 29 boxes of wood planks, plus underlayment and trim pieces, and brought them home. First I had to unload them into our garage, which wasn't bad - only a few steps from the van to the ground. Later in the day I had to carry each 52.6 lb box from the garage, up the stairs, and then into one of our bedrooms so that the wood can acclimate properly for a few days. Twenty nine trips, hauling that weight up the steps and then carefully stacking the boxes. As I was doing it, though, it occurred to me: as exhausting as it was, and as heavy as those boxes seemed, the weight of me plus the box going up the stairs was actually less than my total body weight only nine months ago. I used to haul that weight up the stairs, and everywhere else, all day every day. No wonder I was exhausted all the time. Honestly, I don't think that nine months ago I could have moved 1,500+ lbs of wood planking upstairs by myself, I would have had to pay someone to do it. Today I certainly broke a sweat doing it, but it got done and in a fairly short amount of time. Yay!

On top of that, I spent an hour on the treadmill today watching Tom Baker dress up like a cactus. So let's talk about that.

Don't Cross Your Bridges Before They're Hatched

Don't Cross Your Bridges Before They're Hatched

Good news! I survived my debilitating illness. Ok, honestly, I had a head cold for about a day and a half, no big deal. But I'm sure I almost died! I was feeling mostly better yesterday, but didn't want to risk pushing myself too quickly and getting sick again. Today I was up and at 'em, and hit the treadmill for the second half of The Leisure Hive (finally!).

So let's talk about that.

Recovery Day

Nov 29 2017
Recovery Day

The good news is, I feel 90% better. If I didn't have six performances of Annie in the next few days I would probably even push myself to get back on the treadmill today. That being said, the wiser course is to take another day of rest so that I am on top of my game tomorrow when the curtain opens. The Leisure HIve will have to wait another day.

Sick Day

Nov 28 2017
Sick Day

I have a terrible case of the Man Flu. Getting on the treadmill seems like a bad idea, so I am taking the day off (plus taking lots of vitamin C, et cetera). I'll finish The Leisure Hive tomorrow.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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Shot Through the Heart, and You're to Blame
12/7/2017 9:00 PM
I'd say a sociopathetic abscess
12/6/2017 7:16 PM
What a Day
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A little patience goes a long way, but too much patience goes absolutely nowhere
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He Was Wesley Crusher Before Wesley Crusher Was a Thing
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Let's Hope that Many Hands Will Make the Lights Work
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First Things First, But Not Necessarily In That Order
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Don't Cross Your Bridges Before They're Hatched
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Recovery Day
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Sick Day
11/28/2017 1:57 PM

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