One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Blog: The Time Treadmill

The Day I Met Twelve, Amy, and a Weeping Angel

Jul 29 2017
The Day I Met Twelve, Amy, and a Weeping Angel

This is the second consecutive day without being on the treadmill or watching Doctor Who, but it was so worth it. My wife and I spent the day at Florida Supercon, where I started off by meeting the original Weeping Angel, Sarah Louise Madison. That's her autograph on the right. She was incredibly nice. Next I met the Twelfth Doctor himself, Peter Capalidi, and he was just the most spectacularly kind person. He seemed genuinely impressed with this project, and even took one of my business cards. Not that I imagine he will ever look at this website, but he was just so freaking cool and supportive. My last autograph of the day was Miss Amelia Pond, Karen Gillan. It took nearly three hours of standing and waiting, but it was worth it. She was very nice, and wished me luck and encouragement. As for my dear, sainted wife - she went above and beyond today with her patience in my geekiness. She's the real treasure in all of this.

Tomorrow, I will be back at it with The Dæmons. I'll see you then!

No Treadmill Today

Jul 28 2017
No Treadmill Today

Since I started this project back on February 20th I have only missed four days on the treadmill, and today makes the fifth. Not due to laziness or lack of motivation, but because today I was buried in work for the first half of the day so that I could escape to Fort Lauderdale. Tomorrow I meet Peter Capaldi (the Twelfth Doctor) and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond). So, no treadmill tomorrow either. Good thing I hit the big milestone yesterday...

Check Out the Big Brain on Brad

Jul 26 2017
Check Out the Big Brain on Brad

I'm keeping this one short because it's late and I want to go to bed. Tomorrow's a big day, I should hit the big 500 milestone. In the meantime, today I watched the middle two episodes of Colony in Space. Let's talk about that briefly.

It's Dimensionally Transcendental

It's Dimensionally Transcendental

Finally, after being around for fifteen episodes, Jo Grant gets her "bigger on the inside" moment in Colony in Space - the first color Doctor Who story to take place away from contemporary Earth. Poor Jo isn't really mentally prepared for it, but to her credit she steps up and rolls with the situation. As for me, I barely staggered through the situation. I had what might be described as a "disrupted morning", which means (among other things) that I didn't get around to hitting the treadmill until I had taken care of a couple other physically demanding things. Honestly, I almost quite halfway through. But I forced my way through it just for you, my beloved Imaginary Readers, because I knew you would be so disappointed in me if I didn't. So there's that, anyway.

So let's talk about today's episodes.

One Million Steps

One Million Steps

This morning I hit a huge milestone - as of today I have taken more than one million steps on the treadmill for this project. I've got another big milestone coming later in the week, but I will save that for Thursday. Also, I have to say... in the past week or so I have noticed something else: for the first time I am looking in the mirror and seeking Skinny Me instead of Fat Me. Sure, I have more excess body fat to lose, but for the very first time in nearly two decades I do not see myself in the mirror and immediately compare my own gut to my father's tremendous beer gut. So that's pretty nice. Also, as one might suspect, I watched two more episodes of The Claws of Axos

Let's talk about that.

So Tired...

So Tired...

Ugh. Just, seriously... ugh. I am so tired. I barely got any sleep last night, my (adult autistic) son was up half the night, and if he wasn't keeping me awake then my dog was. Not surprisingly, my time spent on the treadmill was not awesome. I did watch the first two episodes of The Claws of Axos, but it was mostly at a slow stumble. This is going to be a very brief post.

There's A Riot Going On Up In Cell Block Number Nine

There's A Riot Going On Up In Cell Block Number Nine

The good news today is that the pendulum of my weight has swung back down the past two days. It seems like 270 has been a very difficult barrier for me to break through, which is not surprising since that is where I bottomed out the last time I tried to lost weight a few years ago. Hopefully now I have crashed through that wall and can keep making forward progress. At the moment I have a personal goal to have weighed in at least once below 260 before I leave for Last Vegas in two weeks, and to be consistently weighing in the 250's by the time I return home two weeks later. Here's hoping.

And yes, I did watch the end of The Mind of Evil today. I don't have much to say about it, but let's give it a spin.

Rest in Peace, Deborah Watling

Rest in Peace, Deborah Watling

Earlier today the sad news came that Deborah Watling, best know as the Second Doctor's companion Victoria, had passed away. She was diagnosed with lung cancer only six weeks ago. Her era of the show is one of the most impacted by the missing episodes, with only two of her stories available in a complete state. Those two,however, are among my very favorite of the Second Doctor's era -- in no small part due to her performance and they synergy she had with Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines. She was by all accounts a lovely person, and will be greatly missed. 

In much more pedestrian news, I watched two more episodes of The Mind of Evil today. Let's talk about that.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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