One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

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He's a Doctor Who Yeti, Yet He Knows...

He's a Doctor Who Yeti, Yet He Knows...

Back in January of this year I went to a tech conference in Colorado for the DNN platform, and the conference mascot was a Yeti. Over the course of the conference I wrote this silly song in which the chorus goes, "He's a DNN Yeti, yet he knows he has to keep on his toes before his bug list grows..." As I watched the first two episodes of The Abominable Snowmen this morning, I had that song stuck in my head on a loop. Go figure. As for the story itself, I had my doubts but so far I am enjoying it.

Let's talk about that.

Psst! It's Still Racism if the Character is a Hero...

Psst! It's Still Racism if the Character is a Hero...

Don't get me wrong, I still love The Tomb of the Cybermen. But, watching it back-to-back with The Evil of the Daleks really made something leap out at me. Both stories contain a major supporting character who starts out as a baddie (or, more accurately, the lackey of a baddie) and then becomes a hero over the course of the story. That's fine, it's a common character arc. But in both cases, the character is a very large, muscle-bound black man who speaks very little (if at all). In both cases, the character is placed in dangerous proximity to a terrified white woman and must contend with their white male protector. In both cases the character is, if not shirtless, then wearing an open shirt that shows off the pectoral muscles in great detail. In both cases the character hoists up an opponent over their head and then throws them across the room. And in both cases, the character sacrifices his life heroically in the end. I don't doubt that the writers had the best of intentions, but seeing them reach for the Black Brute trope so transparently twice in a row really made me raise my eyebrow.

But other than the casual racism, I quite liked it. Let's talk about that.

The Perils of Archaeology

The Perils of Archaeology

In the same way that season 4 of Doctor Who was book-ended by Dalek stories, season 5 starts and ends with Cyberman stories. The Tomb of the Cybermen is a fairly short one, though, with only four episodes. While that was the norm for the majority of First Doctor stories, the Second Doctor usually goes for at least six per story. That means that Tomb snaps right along with no extra padding (I'm looking at you, Evil of the Daleks). Of course, it also has its fair share of overacting and bad American accents, but it is still one of my favorites.

Let's talk about that.



No spoilers:  Extremis is far and away the best episode so far of the new season. Questions are answered, a three story cycle is kicked off in style, and Nardole is a not-at-all-secret badass. Babydoll.

The Damn Daleks are Dead

The Damn Daleks are Dead

I only had one 24 minute episode to watch this morning, the final part of The Evil of the Daleks, so I cut my treadmill time a little short today. Frankly, I spent all afternoon yesterday walking around Epcot with my son meeting princesses, and I was pretty walked out. Sure enough, I weighed in two pounds lighter today than yesterday, despite my shortened workout this morning. I won't be surprised tomorrow when I bounce back up a little. As for Doctor Who, this stupid Dalek story is finally over.

Let's talk about that.

The Emperor Will See You Now

The Emperor Will See You Now

Today marks the three month anniversary of this project. In that time I have walked well over a half million steps, almost 275 miles, and this morning I weighed in 28.3 lbs lighter than the day I started. I used to always leave my shirts untucked, because of course I did. Lately I have been tucking them in, because although I still have a belly that extends over my belt line it's not by much anymore and it doesn't seem grotesque. I feel significantly better than I did three months ago, and without going into any gross details I will just say that some previously-persistent GI issues have almost completely evaporated. I think it is safe to say I am very happy with the results of this project so far.

Also, I watched two more episodes of The Evil of the Daleks this morning. I guess I have to talk about that?

Our Princess is in Another Castle

Our Princess is in Another Castle

So. This morning I walked on the treadmill for 55 minutes. I also watched episodes 3 and 4 of The Evil of the Daleks. Out my window I could see the grass growing and the clouds drifting by. Across the way I could hear a work crew starting in on re-roofing another house in our neighborhood. All those things happening outside were infinitely more interesting than what was happening at Maxtible Mansion.

Let's talk about that.

How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

The bad news: It's another damn Dalek story. The good news: It's the last damn Dalek story forever. Well, at least, it was supposed to be. That lasted for about five years, which means that after this weekend I get a respite from them for several months. Seriously, I told my wife earlier today that she could go ahead and write my blog post for the day - Just say, "F%&$. Another Dalek story," and then a frowny face. Actually, though, it turns out that at least the first two episodes are pretty good.

Let's talk about that.

Farewell, Ben and Polly!

Farewell, Ben and Polly!

I wrapped up my viewing of The Faceless Ones this morning, and it is easily my favorite Second Doctor story so far. Thankfully, Ben and Polly do get a proper send-off at the end of the story, unlike Dodo in The War Games. Granted, they both disappear for all of episodes three, four, and five and for all but the last few minutes of episode six, but at least they do get a final goodbye scene with a heartfelt farewell. 

Let's talk about that.

Jamie Gets a Little Sumpin' Sumpin'

Jamie Gets a Little Sumpin' Sumpin'

Before I get to today's viewing, a quick hurrah. This morning I finally broke the 280 barrier, I am now weighing in the 270's for the first time in years. This makes me a very happy boy indeed.

Anyway, The Faceless Ones...  Poor Ben and Polly. It's their last story, and much like Dodo in The War Machines they have been written out. They were both pivotal in the first two episodes, but by the third episode it is just The Doctor and Jamie Show. Presumably they will make another appearance towards the end once the Doctor has rescued them from the evil Chameleons. As for what the Doctor and Jamie have been up to, well...

Let's talk about that.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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