One fat geek's SUCCESSFUL attempt to regenerate into a not-so-fat geek by watching the entirety of Doctor Who while walking on a treadmill

All Posts Term: 10th Doctor
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So, Earth... do you know Karen? From Earth? Karen, I think?

So, Earth... do you know Karen? From Earth? Karen, I think?

Don't Bury the Lede, Part 1: As I had hoped, today my cumulative weight lost based on my five-day moving average went back above 30 lbs. In fact, I weighed in more than 5 lbs lighter than my peak weight several days ago. That, of course, is not a sustainable rate of weight loss. That being said, it is in my experience a normal amount of movement in the first week of really getting back into a workout routine.  I expect tomorrow to be a slight bounce up in weight for the daily (I was definitely dehydrated this morning) but to still show another drop in the moving average. Yay me!

Don't Bury the Lede, Part 2: Allow me to tell you about the comedy duo Chris & Jack. I discovered them a couple years ago and I absolutely love their work. I will embed a couple of my favorite of their videos below the fold. Anyway, a while back they did a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a series of new shorts, which I decided to back. Late last night I got an email from them with my backer reward -- an audio sketch written and created just for me, in which poor Everyman Dave is once again abducted by aliens (it happens to him a lot), and his abductor turns out to be a fan of this blog. I laughed a lot. I don't know if anyone else will find this nearly as amusing as I do, but here it is:

Dave Learns About the Time Treadmill, and Also Eats Some Cereal

For reference, here is Dave's first alien abduction:

Check out below the fold for another of my favorite sketches from them, as well as my thoughts on today's episode of Doctor Who.

Marry in haste, repent at leisure, they say.

Marry in haste, repent at leisure, they say.

Here it is, not only a powerhouse Sarah Jane Adventures episode but also the very last thing that David Tennant filmed during his tenure as the Tenth Doctor. Yes, he would later return for the 50th anniversary special, but this right here was the very last episode he shot before handing over the TARDIS to Matt Smith. And somehow I never got around to watching it until today.

I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.

I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.

Good lord, it's a quarter to midnight and I still haven't written this blasted thing. I've been buried in work all day and only just came up for air. The good news is I did fifty five push ups this morning, and my arm still feels fine. Alternating days seems to be making a difference. For now at least I will keep on that track, and see how it goes.

As for Doctor Who, it was a mighty good one today. So let's talk about that.

Fifty Years in Four Hundred and Ninety Four Days

Fifty Years in Four Hundred and Ninety Four Days

When I started this ridiculous project on February 20th of last year, I deliberately didn't calculate how long it would take. I guessed a little over a year, and it turns out to be more like a year and a half. Today, though, I hit a huge milestone. Today I watched the 50th Anniversary special, meaning that as of this morning I have watched a full fifty years of Doctor Who in four hundred and ninety four days. Wow. With only one Eleventh Doctor story left, I only have the Twelfth Doctor era left to go through. I just double-checked my count, and I must have missed something the last time I worked it out. I need to finish by Monday, August 6th because I have a work trip that begins on the 7th and I want to have a clean break. But I just counted it out,and if I miss no days and watch one episode per day I won't finish until August 8th. That means I have to double up on at least two days. It looks like Under the Lake / Before the Flood would be a good double fallin ...

The LobsterFish of Venice

The LobsterFish of Venice

Today is going to be a really short post. It's the week of the Orlando Fringe Festival, I've got a show in it, and I need to go flog it like crazy to get butts in seats. But I did put in my treadmill time this morning, so let's talk about Amy getting all freaky up in the TARDIS.

I Don't Want to Go

I Don't Want to Go

Not only did I not do any push-ups today, but I actually ended up at Urgent Care. I have a sinus infection, and am  now on antibiotics. Hopefully they will kick in rapidly, because four days from now I have a full run through of my Fringe show plus two performances. Right now I can't even sing a note. Should make for an interesting weekend.

LINDA v2.0

LINDA v2.0

No pushups today. I barely slept the night before, I am coming down with a cold or virus, I had a teaser performance for my Fringe show in the evening, and I am sure I can come up with a few other excuses. On the other hand, I am still in the midst of the Specials, which all have longer running times, so I put in more work on the treadmill than a normal day. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

The Magical Mystery Tour is Coming to Take You Away

The Magical Mystery Tour is Coming to Take You Away

This morning I hit a really cool milestone in my 100-pushups-per-day thing: I did all one hundred push-ups (five sets of twenty, with two minutes between each set) in cadence without breaking. I have never, ever managed that before. One other time I managed all one hundred without my knees touching the ground, but I have always had to pause at some point (or, more likely, several points), but this morning was unique. I just hammered out each set in perfect cadence and in perfect form. How cool is that? I ain't gonna lie, my arms were screaming on those last twenty, but I just powered through it. I am pretty damn proud of myself. If this becomes the norm then I will shift to four sets of twenty five, but I'm sure that's a bit away yet.

The *Other* Two Doctors

The *Other* Two Doctors

WARNING: Gross story ahead, you've been warned. So, my adult autistic son had to go to the doctor today. (No, not the Doctor, just a doctor) He is basically non-verbal and can't tell us what is going on, but he gave some signs of having an ear infection and/or a sinus infection. The good news: he didn't have an ear infection. The bad news: that's probably because his ears were so plugged with wax that no infection could penetrate the protective seal. It took ear drops plus a half dozen rounds of irrigation to flush out his ears, and you would not believe the chunky bits that came out. Oddly enough, ever since his doctor visit he has been playing his videos and music at a noticeably lower volume with no prompting. Poor guy. He also had the beginnings of a sinus infection, so now he is on antibiotics to fight that off. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon.


Currently Watching:

( Story )

 of episodes viewed

of stories viewed

Total Steps Taken:

Total Distance Walked:

Weight Progress:
Blue Line: 5-Day Moving Avg
Yellow Line: Daily Weight


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So, Earth... do you know Karen? From Earth? Karen, I think?
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Marry in haste, repent at leisure, they say.
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I'm the President of the World. I'm here to rescue people and generally establish happiness all over the place.
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